Note: items with a + sign are discussed from the theoretical and from the experimental viewpoint.
1) Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
Klein-Gordon equation, electromagnetic waves, gauge transformations,
Klein paradox, electromagnetic scattering of Klein-Gordon particles,
Dirac equation, spin and magnetic moment of Dirac particles,
covariant notation, free-particle spinors, charge conjugation and parity,
massless Dirac particles, electromagnetic interactions, gamma matrix algebra
2) Relativistic Quantum Fields
Classical field theory, Klein-Gordon field, Fourier analysis, second quantization,
single-particle and two-particle states, number operator,
quantization of electromagnetic field,
normal ordering and vacuum energy, Casimir effect(+), complex fields, symmetries
and conservation laws, Noether's theorem, phase (gauge) invariance, Dirac field,
spin-statistics theorem, interacting fields
3) Gauge Field Theory and the Standard Model
Gauge symmetry in QED, non-Abelian gauge symmetry, weak interactions,
electroweak interactions, Higgs mechanism, parameters of the Standard Model(+),
QED precision tests and g-2, running of fine structure constant(+),
time-variation of fundamental constants(+),
spontaneous symmetry breaking, properties of the Higgs boson(+),
LEP precision data and tests of the Standard Model, indirect constraints
for the Higgs boson and experimental searches,
quark mixing and the CKM matrix(+),
ultraviolet divergences, renormalizability, dimensions of fields and couplings,
unrenormalizable interactions and effective theories
4) Quantum Chromodynamics
Colour and properties of SU(3), SU(3) gauge symmetry, gauge invariant meson
and baryon states(+), colour string, confinement, running of strong coupling constant
and asymptotic freedom(+), nonperturbative QCD, infrared divergences,
deep inelastic scattering(+), structure functions(+), parton branching,
DGLAP evolution equation and solution by moments(+), scaling violations(+),
small-x behaviour of structure functions(+), hadron-hadron scattering(+),
Drell-Yan process(+), jet production(+), jet algorithms(+),
fragmentation and hadronization(+), average multiplicities in quark and gluon jets,
lattice QCD, deconfinement and QCD phase diagram(+)
5) CP Violation
Direct and indirect CP violation, strong CP problem, unitarity triangle(+),
mixing in the neutral kaon system(+), direct CP violation in kaon decay(+),
experiments on neutral kaon and B systems
6) Neutrino Physics
Neutrino masses, neutrino mixing matrix, Dirac and Majorana mass terms,
neutrino mass matrix, see-saw mechanism, neutrino oscillations(+),
MSW effect(+), atmospheric and solar neutrino experiments, LSND experiment
7) Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Open questions in the Standard Model, hierarchy problem, supersymmetry,
solution of hierarchy problem, grand unified theories, SU(5) GUTs,
gauge coupling unification, proton decay, string theory, theories with
large extra dimensions